This time of the year is the start of straw season. The number one question is about using hay versus straw for a given task. Straw is plant stubble from a harvested crop. It’s called straw because it’s hollow. Because it is leftover from a crop it will have seeds in the bale. These seeds will grow if the bale gets wet, just like the Chia Pet.

Straw is also a regional product. In North Texas, 99% of the straw is from wheat. The other 1% is typically made from oats. They are interchangeable for any task.

Straw is mainly used for decoration, bedding, erosion control, mulch, and archery backstops. It can also be used as building material and in composting operations.

Hay is grown as food for livestock. It can be used like straw but is expensive for the task. Most of the hay grown in our area is one of several types of hybrid Bermuda.

You can pick up straw and hay bales at Wells Brothers. Use these bales to create your autumn lawn display or use it for seating for a hayride or around a bonfire. Be sure to use caution around fire. Straw works great as an insulator for outside pets. It is not recommended to use straw as equine bedding, as horses may eat it, causing digestive problems. Got bare spots in your yard or around the barn? Put some straw down to keep the mud to a minimum.

Wells Brothers also offers straw bale rental. At the current time, straw sells for $12.00 a bale. If you bring it back in sellable condition, we refund you $5.00. For a straw bale to be in sellable condition it must be dry (damp is not dry) with no stains and with both tie wires intact along with the original receipt. Give us a call at 972-424-8516 to find out more about our straw rental program.