Mid-September to late October is the time to apply fall fertilizer. Fertilizer is applied in the fall to get the lawn ready for winter dormancy. Because I’m basically lazy and hate to get dirty twice on the same day, I apply fertilizer at the same time I’m applying pre-emergent. First one then the other. It makes no difference which one goes on first but you must resist the urge to put both products in the spreader at the same time. The ratios never work out the right way. Some will look at “weed and feed” type products as the answer to this situation. I’m not a big fan of weed and feeds. Killing or preventing (post or pre-emergent) and fertilizing are two different processes. What I’m a fan of is one product that performs one task and does it very well. If that means I have to get two products and spend more quality time outside then, oh darn (read sarcasm).

The all-natural fertilizers we offer include Texas Tea (6-2-4)Medina (3-2-3) and our own Dirt Diet is a 4-1-2. The coverage rate of these products ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 square feet.

Synthetic fertilizers include Wells Brothers own 16-20-0 and 28-6-6. We also carry 21-0-013-13-1346-0-024-0-0 and some very good products by Ferti-Lome including Lawn Food Plus IronClassic Lawn Food, and Winterizer. You can also Hy-Yield New Process. These products will cover from 4,000 to 20,000 square feet.

That’s a wide range of coverage for both groups of fertilizer. This is why it’s important for us homeowners to know the square footage of our lawns. This measurement doesn’t have to be down to the square inch. But if you have a number that’s within 20 square feet, consider yourself exceptional. No matter what product you favor, follow the label. Not sure what the numbers on the fertilizer bag mean? Click here and find out.